INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION At 9:40 a.m., as per the request of Auditor Kiepke, motion by Kiner, second by Nebelsick to move into executive session to discuss personnel. Motion by Kiner, second by Nebelsick to approve the hire of Warren Clark as full-time maintenance personnel at a rate of $19.00 per hour, effective June 28, 2023, with a $.50 increase after successful completion of a six-month introductory period. Motion by Kiner, second by Claggett to approve the hire of Ryley Johansen as a full-time corrections officer at a rate of $20.31 per hour, effective July 8, 2023, with a $.50 increase after successful completion of a six-month introductory period. Motion by Blaalid, second by Claggett to reclassify Corrections Officer Abby Perez from part-time to full-time at the same rate of $21.93 per hour, effective August 5, 2023. APPROVE EMPLOYEE CHANGES/NEW HIRES Motion by Claggett, second by Kiner to approve the re-hire of Nathan Newton as a part-time corrections officer at a rate of $21.93 per hour effective July 8, 2023. OPEN FAIRGROUND PROJECT BIDS At 9:30 a.m., motion by Claggett, second by Kiner to open Fairground project bids and so as to give Physical Plant Director Rang time to review the bids, award them July 11, 2023. APPROVE TIMESHEETS Motion by Blaalid, second by Claggett to authorize chairperson to sign department head timesheets as supervisor. APPROVE AUDITOR’S ACCOUNT WITH TREASURER Motion by Claggett, second by Nebelsick to approve May 2023 Auditor’s Account with the Treasurer in the amount of $16,477,427.84. Randy Reider, Chairperson ATTEST: Susan Kiepke, Auditor APPROVE AUTOMATIC SUPPLEMENT Motion by Blaalid, second by Nebelsick to approve an automatic supplement of $378.41 received from First National Bank of Omaha for an overpayment on a credit card to Emergency Management minor equipment line item 22600x4350226. Dated at Mitchell, SD this 27th day of June, 2023.
#Mitchell emc cost 2017 license
Now, therefore, be it resolved, that a temporary on-sale malt beverage license be issued to Exchange Club of Mitchell, SD, for a fee of $200 for the days of August 15, 16 and 17, 2023, for DakotaFest, which is held in the SE ¼ Inc, Lot A of Moneke’s Sub Ex H2 & Ex Schlaffman Tract 1 and the SW ¼, Ex H2 & Ex Lot A of Mitchell Landfill, 1st Addn & Lot 7 N of H-3 SE ¼, Mitchell, Township, Davison County, South Dakota. Whereas, the fee had previously been set at $200.00. Davison County Resolution #062723-01 Grant Temporary Malt Beverage License to Exchange Club of Mitchell, SD Whereas, SDCL 35-4-124 states, in part, that any municipality or county may issue: (1) A special malt beverage retailers license in conjunction with a special event within the municipality or county to any civic, charitable, educational, fraternal, or veterans organization or licensee licensed pursuant to 35-1-111 or subdivision 35-4-2(4), (6) or (16) in addition to any other licenses held by the special events license applicant (2) A special on-sale license in conjunction with a special event within the municipality or county to any civic, charitable, educational, fraternal, or veterans organization or any licensee licensed pursuant to 35-4-111 or subdivision 35-4-2(4) or (6) in addition to any other licenses held by the special events license applicant and Whereas, a public hearing is required for the issuance of a license pursuant to this section if the person/organization applying for the license doesn’t hold an on-sale alcoholic beverage license or a retail malt beverage license in the municipality or county and Whereas, no persons appeared at the hearing held June 27, 2023, in objection to the issuance of the malt beverage license applied for and no concerns were otherwise expressed, it being noted the location and particulars of the temporarily licensed premises were appropriate for the sale of malt beverages. Claggett – aye, Kiner – aye, Nebelsick – aye, Blaalid – aye, Reider – aye.

GRANT TEMPORARY MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE Motion by Claggett, second by Kiner to adopt the following resolution granting a temporary malt beverage license to Exchange Club of Mitchell for DakotaFest to be held August 15, 16 and 17, 2023. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ISSUANCE OF A TEMPORARY MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE At 9:15 a.m., motion by Claggett, second by Kiner to open the public hearing regarding a temporary malt beverage license for the Exchange Club of Mitchell during DakotaFest to be held August 15, 16 and 17, 2023. PUBLIC INPUT Steve Sibson spoke about the Carbon Pipeline. APPROVE MINUTES Motion by Claggett, second by Nebelsick to approve the minutes of the June 13, 2023, meeting. APPROVE AGENDA Motion by Nebelsick, second by Claggett to approve the agenda for the June 27, 2023, meeting. PLEDGE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairperson Reider. JCALL TO ORDER Chairperson Reider called the regular meeting of the Davison County Board of Commissioners to order at 9:00 a.m.