But that system is so barebones, i dont think ive ever used it once on any piece of gear. I guess the perfect solution to this, would be to be able to alter the sets to your playstyle, maybe being able add more protection but increase the weight even more, or being able to reduce weight even more with the cost of protection. Then they decide to make the heaviest stuff look so ridicilous and ugly, that theres no way in hell iam gonna ever use them. When i saw the stats on this set after some rage inducing mounted combat, i legit went "Wtf? Why did i even bother?". I dont really understand why do they make these knight sets so weak and light. Imo, this should have been a heavy knight set, as it even looks like it should weight a ton, being plate. Even the Scaled Armor is better than this and you get that way earlier in the game. This set looks cool, but its a shame that its so weak in terms of protection. When both Helm and Armor are altered, equipped with the Bull-Goat's Talisman, the set has a poise of 51.The Night's Cavalry Armor can be altered to the Night's Cavalry Armor (Altered) to remove the cape and shawl.The Night's Cavalry Helm can be altered to the Night's Cavalry Helm (Altered) to remove the plume.Night's Cavalry Set Elden Ring Notes and Tips

Night's Cavalry Set Armor Pieces in Elden Ring Kill both the escorts to receive the armor alongside an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone. You can find the Night's Cavalry Set within the Consecrated Snowfield: From the Inner Consecrated Snowfield site of grace at night, look southwest and there will be a Carriage being pulled by two Trolls and guarded by two Night's Cavalry escorts. Where to find Night's Cavalry Set in Elden Ring

Sets of Armor in Elden Ring are composed of four armor pieces which are Helms, Chest Armor, Gauntlets, and Leg Armor. The Night's Cavalry, who now wander the dim roads of night, were once led by the Fell Omen and were deliverers of death for great warriors, knights, and champions. Worn by Night's Cavalry who ride funeral steeds. Pitch-black armor thinly painted with dried blood.

Night's Cavalry is an Armor Set in Elden Ring.